The purpose of the present study was to develop a reliable and valid questionnaire for the self-evaluation of teacher effectiveness in physical education (SETEQ-PE). Initially, 90 items, based on the findings of the international bibliography on teacher effectiveness and effective teaching, were formed and then categorized in 11 thematic units (phase 1). The questionnaire was completed by in-service physical education teachers (N = 470) in phase 2 (N = 250) and phase 3 of the study (N = 220). In each phase, the appropriate modifications were made on the basis of internal consistency and construct validity of the instrument. The final form of the SETEQ-PE consists of 25 items that evaluate six domains of teaching in physical education. The results showed that the self-evaluation questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool that can be used for assessing the work of the physical education teacher. Further, this tool might probably enhance a teacher's knowledge, understanding, motivation, and attitudes towards teaching.