School transportation is one of the facilities provided by the school in the process of picking up students. In the process of picking up, taking the optimal route is needed to save costs and time. The purpose of this study is to develop a model School transportation routes using the Clustered Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem (CGVRP ) model and the Dijkstra algorithm to get a more optimal route from the route that has been used. Furthermore, comparing the real distance from the shuttle transportation routes with the distance from the results of this case study using the CGVRP model and the Dijkstra algorithm. From the research results obtained by using the CGVRP model and the Djikstra algorithm which is applied to the case study of shuttle students at Darus Sunnah SDIT We found that our result has shorter distance when compared to the distance of the usual route.. The total distance on the SDIT Darus Sunnah route is 2.746.416 meters and costs Rp. 2.214.288 in a month. While the distance from the proposed route obtained 2.333.616 meters for at Rp. 1.881.478 in a month. Therefore the difference in the distance from the real route and the proposed route is 357.288 meters with a difference in cost of Rp. 332.820, - in a month.