Sesamolin, one of the prominent lignans in sesame seeds, offers diverse physiological benefits. However, the longevity effects and mechanisms of sesamolin remain unclear. We hypothesized that sesamolin can exert the longevity effects in the Caenorhabditis (C.) elegans when prepared with the γ-cyclodextrin to form an inclusion complex (named γCD-SM). In this study, the γCD-SM was prepared, and the lifespan assays, health indexes, and loss-of-function assays in the C. elegans or mutants were conducted. The results demonstrated that the γCD-SM significantly extended the C. elegans’ lifespan and improved the health indexes, such as the pharyngeal pumping and body bends. The longevity effects of the γCD-SM were found to depend on the signaling of the SIR-2.1 and AAK-2. In conclusion, the γ-CD inclusion is a crucial step for assessing the sesamolin's longevity effects in the C. elegans. This study confirms that sesamolin exhibits the longevity effects, and its mechanism relies on the signaling of the SIR-2.1 and the AAK-2 proteins, suggesting its potential as a health-promoting ingredient.