1. An experiment was conducted with three sheep maintained entirely by intragastric nutrition to estimate the digestibility of isolated individual constituents and amino acids (AA) of rumen micro-organisms (RMO) in the small intestine.2. Five levels of RMO were infused into the abomasum. The apparent and true disappearance of the individual components were measured by regression of abomasal input on the passage at the ileum. In order to proceed further to state the AA requirement of ruminants precisely it is also necessary to estimate the digestibility of each AA from RMO since this is the main protein source for ruminants. The present paper describes the estimation by regression analysis of the true digestibilities of total N, total AA-N, RNA, DNA and nineteen individual AA of RMO and the endogenous losses of these substances in the small intestine of three sheep sustained entirely by a constant intraruminal infusion of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and minerals and abomasal infusion of five different amounts of RMO. A preliminary account of some of this work has been given previously (Storm & Orskov, 1982).
Animals.Three Suffolk x (Finnish Landrace x Dorset Horn) wether lambs, weighing between 27 and 36 kg, were used.Each animal was surgically prepared with a permanent rumen cannula and an abomasal catheter, as previously described by Orskov et al. (1979). Furthermore, the animals were fitted with a simple T-piece cannula in the distal part of the ileum, 15-20 mm anterior to the ileo-caecal junction. The open end of the ileal cannula was exteriorized midway up on the right flank of the animal and a plastic loop arranged on each side of the cannulas according to Hecker (1974) so that total collection of ileal fluid was possible.Infusion treatment. After the lambs had been fitted with the cannulas they were kept in individual metabolism cages for 2 weeks before intragastric infusion was commenced. The infusion regimen was then gradually introduced over 10-12 d. Clean drinking water was freely available at all times.