“…The strams of L monocytogenes used were NCTC 7973 (serotype la), which was the strain used by Hartford et al [7], NCTC 11994 (serotype 4b) both from the National Collection of Type Cultures (Cohndale, UK), and IA486C (serotype 4b, a gift from Dr B Wren, St Bartholomews Hospital, London, UK) A laboratory faecal ~solate of Eschenchta cob 0157 H7 was used as a negative control and N menmgmdts strain SD (B15 P1 16) described previously [11] as a positwe control All strains were cultured on Columbia horse blood agar or grown in brain-heart-infusion broth (BHI, Merck) at 37°C aerobically m 5% CO 2 Iron hmltatlon for cultures of L monocytogenes and E colt was achieved as described by Hartford et al [7] by addition of ethylenediamme dl-o-hydroxyphenylacetate (EDDHA, Sigma), treated by the method of Rogers [12], to a final concentration of 100 tzM Cultures were grown at 37°C with shaking in 15 ml of culture medium to late log phase Cells were then harvested by centrlfugation at 1200 × g at 4°C for 30 mm, and the resultant pellets washed once with phosphate buffered sahne (PBS), re-pelleted, and re-sus-pended in 500/xl of 10 mM Trls-HCL (pH 7 4) to concentrate Protein est~mation of each bacterml culture was performed by the method of Bradford [13] using the Pierce protein estimation kit (Pierce) N menmgtttdzs was grown under ~ron-hmitatlon by previously described methods [11] Transferrm and lactoferrm bmdmg assays Three methods were used to detect transferrm binding proteins, whole cell dot lmmuno-blots, Western blots, and transferrm affimty purification For whole-cell dot lmmuno-blots 15 /zl (1 /zg/ml) of bacterial cells harvested following growth under iron-sufficient or iron-restricted conditions were spotted onto nitrocellulose membrane (Schlelcher and Schuell), the membrane blocked with 3% blocking buffer (consisting of 3% w/v skimmed milk and 0 1% Tween 20 m PBS), and probed with either 1 /zg/ml horseradish peroxadase conjugated human transferrm (HRP-HTF, Stratech Scientific Ltd), or 1 mg/ml biotin conjugated human transferrin (B-HTF), or 1 mg/ml biotin conjugated human lactoferrm (B-HL) B-HTF and B-HL were prepared according to the method described by Schryvers [11] Development was with 4-chloro-1-napthol (Sigma) for HRP-HTF reactions and HRP-streptavldm (50 ng/ml) (Jackson Immuno Research Lab Inc,) followed by 4-chloro-lnapthol for B-HTF and B-HL reactions These experiments were repeated using 3% (w/v) gelatin as the blocking agent For Western blots 50 /~g of bacterial protein were somcated at 12 × 103 m~crons for 5 mm (MSE somprep 150), dissolved in SDS and boiled and separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate 10% polyacrylamlde gel electrophoresls (SDS-PAGE) and transferred to nitrocellulose as described m detail elsewhere [11] The membranes were blocked with blockang buffer containing milk, then probed and developed as described above for whole-cell dot blots In addition the membrane which was reacted with HRP-HTF and developed was re-probed with HRP-streptavldm without prior incubation with a blotmylated compound An ldentxcal membrane to the one that was reprobed was incubated m parallel without re-prob-mg to confirm that any positive reaction seen following this procedure was not due simply to a late developing reaction of the HRP-HTF…”