In this work we present a wearable input device which enables the user to input text into a computer. The text is written into the air via character gestures, like using an imaginary blackboard. To allow hands-free operation, we designed and implemented a data glove, equipped with three gyroscopes and three accelerometers to measure hand motion. Data is sent wirelessly to the computer via Bluetooth. We use HMMs for character recognition and concatenated character models for word recognition. As features we apply normalized raw sensor signals. Experiments on single character and word recognition are performed to evaluate the end-to-end system. On a character database with 10 writers, we achieve an average writer-dependent character recognition rate of 94.8% and a writer-independent character recognition rate of 81.9%. Based on a small vocabulary of 652 words, we achieve a single-writer word recognition rate of 97.5%, a performance we deem is advisable for many applications. The final system is integrated into an online word recognition demonstration system to showcase its applicability.