Motivation is regarded as one of the significant variables to be examined in the process of learning. Exploring motivation is vital to arouse learners' enthusiasm for learning to ensure learning activities run smoothly. This study is conducted to investigate the motivators and hindrance for learning by embedding motivational factors which consist of affective components, expectancy components and value components. This study utilises quantitative methodology and 148 respondents responded to the survey. The survey utilised 5 Likert scale and it comprises four sections: demographic; value component; expectancy component; and affective component. The major findings postulate that all three components influence the learners' motivation. To summarise, value components which are fuelled by intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation, as well as task value beliefs influence the learners' motivation. Next, expectancy components encompasses learners' perception of self-efficacy, and control beliefs for learning also influence learners' motivation. On the other hand, affective component which derives from test anxiety significantly influences the learners' motivation. Meanwhile, there is an association found between affective components and value components and a significant association is demonstrated between expectancy components and value components. Nevertheless, the findings predicate that there is no association between affective components and expectancy components. The findings of this study are imperative to understand underlying factors that influence learner's motivation in learning process as it assists the instructors to choose appropriate approach to be delivered in the class. Considering the limitation of this study, future researchers are proposed to add moderating variable such as gender because the learners' achievement motivation and educational experience could be related to the differences between male and female learners' motivation.