This paper describes the detail calculations of expected redshift change in the galaxies' or other distant objects' light after a certain amount of time between observations has elapsed. The detection of this phenomenon has been proposed since the Hubble's discovery of the galaxies' redshift dependence on their distance from Earth and their significant recession velocities. Various astrophysicists have performed such calculations for several cosmological models of the Universe, but not for the model introduced by the author of this paper. This is now addressed in this publication. Keywords: galaxy redshift change in time, finite size model of the Universe, Big Bang theory, gravitational redshift, Doppler redshift, Hubble constant, deformable dark matter, cosmological gravitational potential, gamma ray bursts, CMBR temperature
IntroductionSeveral astrophysicists have proposed the measurement of change in the galaxies' redshift with the elapsed time of observations. The most comprehensive and early evaluation of this phenomenon was published by Sandage (1962Sandage ( , 2010 with possibly the earliest version suggested by Tolman (1930Tolman ( , 1934. Several recent publications on this subject are by Loeb (1998) and by Lerner, Falomo, and Scarpa (2015). However, all of these publications are using some variations of the classical models of the Universe based either on the main stream Big Bang (BB) model or on the Newtonian flat space model.In the previous publication Hynecek (2012a) has introduced a new model of the Universe that assumes the Universe being finite in size and filled with a repulsive and deformable Dark (transparent) Matter (DM). The DM is repulsive to visible radiating matter but attractive to itself. In this model the galaxies are treated only as small test bodies floating from the bulk of the Universe to the edge where they explode and generate the well-known immense Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) detected here on Earth. The GRBs that are reflected back to the bulk of the Universe then contribute to the generation of new matter. This model is in line with the theory proposed by Hoyle, Burbidge & Narlikar (2000) of a steady state Universe with a constant matter creation. The new matter then condenses to stars and eventually to new galaxies endlessly repeating the cycle of creation and destruction. The galaxies' explosions residue at the edge of the Universe generates also the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) with its temperature of 2.725 °K. The repulsive DM density is very small but its gravitational effects dominate the visible matter gravitation at large distances. The gravitational field of galaxies is thus compensated and screened by the DM after a certain distance. The galaxies thus for the most part move in this Universe independently of each other.The one of the significant contributions of this model to the theory of the Universe, in comparison to other models of the Universe in particular the BB model, is in the derivation of the relation between the Hubble constant and the CM...