converter. The MMW module is composed two parts, which is the transmitter part and receiver part. The transmitter module consists of a waveguide voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) and a magic-T to operate at 94 GHz. The receiver module consists of a monolithic down-converter and a sapphire substrate that was made by using flip chip technology. The fabricated VCO has a waveguide structure for low phase noise and good linearity, which determine the performance of the FMCW radar [9]. The fabricated MMW module is shown in Figure 7.The MMW module was measured using the WR-10 waveguide measurement system. The bandwidth of the Tx output signal is 705 MHz from 93.66 to 94.365 GHz. As shown in Figure 8, the output power changed from 10.76 to 11.56 dBm through the variation of the varactor diode voltage. And then, the conversion loss of the MMW module exhibited excellent performance of 7-8.5 dB.
CONCLUSIONSIn this article, we fabricated the MMIC 94 GHz monolithic down-converter to apply the 94 GHz FMCW radar sensor module, by using the 0.1 lm MHEMT technology. The down-converter circuit, which consists of a two stage amplifier and a single balanced diode mixer, showed good characteristics in conversion loss and LO-to-RF isolation because of good phase balance of the tandem coupler with CPW transmission lines of k/4 short stubs, MIM capacitors, and thin film resistors.Also, we fabricated the MMW module for 94 GHz FMCW radar system using the fabricated monolithic down-converter. The fabricated MMW module showed a high output power, low phase noise, good linearity, a low conversion loss, and high LO to RF isolation. These results represent that the MMW module can be applied anti collision systems for cars and military systems. REFERENCES 1. J.D. Park and W.J. Kim, An effective method of eliminating the range ambiguity for a low-cost FMCW radar using VCO tuning characteristics, IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech 54 (2006), 3623-3629. 2. A. Tessmann, S. Kudszus, T. Feltgen, M. Riessle, C. Sklarcayk, and W.H. Haydl, Compact single-chip W-band FMCW radar modules for commercial high-resolution sensor applications, IEEE Two-stage broadband high-gain W-band amplifier using 0.1-lm metamorphic HEMT technology, IEEE Electron Device Lett 25 (2004), 766-768. 7. S.W. Moon, M. Han, J.H. Oh, J.K. Rhee, and S.D. Kim, V-band CPW 3-dB tandem coupler using air-bridge structure, IEEE Microwave Wireless Compon Lett 16 (2006), 149-151. 8. A novel 94-GHz MHEMT-based diode mixer using 3-dB tandem coupler, IEEE Microwave Wireless Compon Lett 18 (2008), 626-628. 9.ABSTRACT: Existing ultra-wideband (UWB) radars for buried survivor detection operated at high center frequencies and had limited penetration capability. A new UWB radar operating at a center frequency of 500 MHz is developed in this article. The experimental results show that it can detect the respiration of human subjects lying under a simulated earthquake rubble of about 2 m in thickness. Thus this new radar is practicable and promising for detecting buried survivors after an earthquake.ABS...