Choosing the optimal time of insemination of she-dogs is one of the urgent problems in the reproduction of dogs, because it causes fertility and can be the cause of artificially acquired infertility or low in fertility. To this end, a number of methods are used in practice, but none of them fully meets the requirements. Therefore, the question of choosing a method for determining the optimal time of insemination of bitches remains unresolved. In this regard, the purpose of our research was to study the effectiveness of the use of the microscope “Arbor Elite” to determine the fertile period of she-dogs. The work was performed in the Clinical Diagnostic Center “Rancho” of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University. The material for the study were female dogs of different breeds with a physiological course of sexual cycling. In order to determine the optimal time of insemination of bitches used test microscope “Arbor Elite”, the principle of which is based on the phenomenon of salivation arborization, due to the presence of salts that crystallize as a result of increasing estrogen in the body in the stage of proestrus-estrus. There are 3 types of dried saliva after crystallization: Type I – small crystals in the form of thin stems/a large number of formed crystals “twigs”. Fertilization is probable (stage of proestrus with insignificant / moderate estrogen secretion); Type II – fern leaves, crystals with a thick stem. The probability of fertilization is maximum (estrus stage with maximum estrogen production); Type III – outlines of sand or pebbles, no crystals. Fertilization is unlikely (met- / diestrus stage). It is established that the efficiency of using the test microscope “Arbor Elite” to determine the fertile period of female dogs is 85.2 %. However, the effectiveness of the method can be increased by differentiating endocrine pathology. In addition, the use of a test microscope “Arbor Elite” has other advantages, in particular, is simple, does not require special knowledge or training, so it can be used at home. But the main advantage is that its implementation in combination with other methods can reduce financial costs and reduce the impact of stressors (ie reduces the number of visits for sampling and cytological and hormonal tests). The method of determining the fertile period of she-dogs using a test microscope “Arbor Elite” needs further research and improvement, and its combination with other methods will optimize the diagnosis of optimal insemination time not only in bitches but also in females of different species.