“…Before discussing how these definitions adequately capture the entailments between must p, it is important that p, and should p, it is necessary to address how the positive use of gradable adjectives (e.g., John is tall, in contrast to John is taller than Bill) is handled within a theory in which the denotations of gradable adjectives are measure functions. Kennedy (1997Kennedy ( , 2007, who adopts such a theory, follows von Stechow (1984) in positing the presence of an unpronounced morpheme POS, which combines with the adjective to make an implicit comparative that returns true iff the extent returned by the measure function is no less than some contextually determined standard extent. If ε s is this standard extent, the denotation of POS important will be as seen in (25): (25) POS important c = λ pλ w. cl({d | ∀w ∈ BEST( + g c 2 ,w,d , DOM c (w))[p(w )]}) ≥ e ε s Assuming that the pronoun it in it is POS important that p is semantically idle, the denotation of it is POS important that p will be the denotation in (25) applied to p.…”