EAR Reader, it is our pleasure to present to you Com- FedCSIS 2017 consisted of the following events (conferences, symposia, workshops, special sessions). These events were grouped into FedCSIS conference areas, of various degree of integration. Specifically, those listed without indication of the year 2017 signify "abstract areas" with no direct paper submissions to them (but with submissions to their enclosed events).• Each paper, found in this volume, was refereed by at least two referees.
AAIAThe program of FedCSIS required a dedicated effort of many people. Each event constituting FedCSIS had its own Organizing and Program Committee. We would like to express our warmest gratitude to all Committee members for their hard work in attracting and later refereeing 504 submissions (regular and data mining).We thank the authors of papers for their great contribution to research and practice in computing and information systems. We thank the invited speakers for sharing their knowledge and wisdom with the participants. Finally, we thank all those responsible for staging the conference in Prague. Organizing a conference of this scope and level could only be achieved by the collaborative effort of a highly capable team taking charge of such matters as conference registration system, finances, the venue, social events, catering, handling all sorts of individual requests from the authors, preparing the conference rooms, etc.We hope you had an inspiring conference and an unforgettable stay in the beautiful city of Prague. We hope to meet you again for FedCSIS 2018 in Poznań, Poland.
Co-Chairs of the FedCSIS Conference Series
AAIA'17 will bring scientists, developers, practitioners, and users to present their latest research, results, and ideas in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. We hope that successful applications presented at AAIA'17 will be of interest to researchers who want to know about both theoretical advances and latest applied developments in AI.
TOPICSPapers related to theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology in this theme are especially solicited. Topics covering industrial applications and academic research are included, but not limited to: • AI in Information Retrieval (ASIR'17 workshop) All papers accepted to the main track of AAIA'17 and to the above workshops will be treated equally in the conference programme and will be equally considered for the awards listed below.
PROFESSOR ZDZISLAW PAWLAK BEST PAPER AWARDSWe are proud to continue the tradition started during the AAIA'06 and award two "Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak Best Paper Awards" for contributions which are outstanding in their scientific quality. The two award categories are:• Best Student Paper-papers qualifying for this award must be marked as "Student full paper" to be eligible.• Best Paper Award. In addition to a certificate, each award carries a prize of 300 EUR provided by the Mazowsze Chapter of the Polish Information Processing Society.
ZDZISLAW PAWLAK AWARD COMMITTEE• Kacprzyk, Janusz, Abstract-The paper ...