iron-reducing aromatic degraders (Chakraborty & Coates, 2004) while many sulphate-reducing BTEX degraders are related to Desulfosarcina, Desulfobacula, Desulfotignum spp. or to other Desulfobacteraceae (Lueders, 2017). In the absence of all other electron acceptors, methanogenic oxidation of BTEX hydrocarbons was reported for members of Peptococcaceae, Deltaproteobacteria
General Introduction
Investigation of multiple factors affecting biodegradation:In order to select efficient remediation strategies, it is essential to consider site-specific factors such as current redox conditions, pollution history, and the characteristics of the indigenous microbial community including their adaptation and biodegradation capacity. As these factors collectively influence the degradation of pollutants. While studies on anaerobic degradation of BTEX compounds exist, many of them tend to focus on one parameter, often on the use of different electron acceptors. However, it is crucial to conduct experiments that encompass multiple parameters simultaneously, in order to gain deeper insights into the biodegradation capabilities of indigenous microorganisms and their performance under various 2 2. . Direct analysis of aromatic pollutants using HPLC-FLD/DAD for monitoring biodegradation processesThis chapter has been published as: