Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been developed into one of the most important process analytical techniques (PAT) in a wide¯eld of applications. The feasibility of NIR spectroscopy with partial least square regression (PLSR) to monitor the concentration of paeoni°orin, albi-°o rin, gallic acid, and benzoyl paeoni°orin during the water extraction process of Radix Paeoniae Alba was demonstrated and veri¯ed in this work. NIR spectra were collected in transmission mode and pretreated with smoothing and/or derivative, and then quantitative models were built up using PLSR. Interval partial least squares (iPLS) method was used for the selection of spectral variables. Determination coe±cients (R 2 cal and R 2 pred ), root mean squares error of prediction (RMSEP), root mean squares error of calibration (RMSEC), and residual predictive deviation (RPD) were applied to verify the performance of the models, and the corresponding values were 0.9873 and 0.9855, 0.0487 mg/mL, 0.0545 mg/mL and 8.4 for paeoni°orin; 0.9879, 0.9888, 0.0303 mg/mL, 0.0321 mg/mL and 9.1 for albi°orin; 0.9696, 0.9644, 0.0140 mg/mL, 0.0145 mg/mL and 5.1 for gallic acid; 0.9794, 0.9781, 0.00169 mg/mL, 0.00171 mg/mL and 6.9 for benzoyl paeoni°orin, respectively. The results turned out that this approach was very e±cient and environmentally friendly for the quantitative monitoring of the water extraction process of Radix Paeoniae Alba.