Purpose:To examine detail depth dose characteristics of ideal proton beams using the GATE Monte Carlo technique.Methods:In this study, in order to improve simulation efficiency, we used pencil beam geometry instead of parallel broad-field geometry. Depth dose distributions for beam energies from 5 to 250 MeV in a water phantom were obtained. This study used parameters named Rpeak, R90, R80, R73, R50, full width at half maximum (FWHM), width of 80–20% distal fall-off (W(80–20)) and peak-to-entrance ratio to represent Bragg peak characteristics. The obtained energy–range relationships were fitted into third-order polynomial formulae. The present study also used the GATE Monte Carlo code to calculate the stopping power of proton pencil beams in a water cubic phantom and compared results with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard reference database.Results:The study results revealed deeper penetration, broader FWHM and distal fall-off and decreased peak-to-entrance dose ratio with increasing beam energy. Study results for monoenergetic proton beams showed that R73 can be a good indicator to characterise a range of incident beams. These also suggest FWHM is more sensitive than W(80–20) distal fall-off in finding initial energy spread. Furthermore, the difference between the obtained stopping power from simulation and NIST data almost in all energies was lower than 1%.Conclusion:Detail depth dose characteristics for monoenergetic proton beams within therapeutic energy ranges were reported. These results can serve as a good reference for clinical practitioners in their daily practice.