This article presents experimental protocol in measuring deformation occur on in-plane hybrid composites CFRP/GFRP as well as assessing the failure modes associated with them. The challenging task of extracting mechanical properties of a hybrid composite is assisted with the use of Digital Image Correlation Technique (DIC). DIC is an innovative technique which able to capture full field deformation of tensile deformation. The complex deformation captured for hybrid composite in-plane tensile deformation and behavior using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) under static loading is a new area of study in literature. Generally, hybrid composite consists of more than one reinforcing sections or multiple reinforcing or multiple matrix sections or single reinforcing phase with multiple matrix phases. As a result of the compromise between the materials within the hybrid composite, the deformation and stress analysis are to be evaluated and tailored as each constituent of material carry their own desired mechanical properties according to a performance requirement. It is found from a classical relation of stress-strain relationship of the hybrid composite under tensile loading, the modulus of elasticity is found to record value around 100839 MPa and 80778M Pa which in theoretical benchmark located in between value of Modulus of Elasticity for CFRP (120 GPa) and GFRP (36 GPa) which proves the occurrence of hybrid effect.