This study aims to analyze the effect of parental support (PS) on performance achievement (PA) through achievement motivation (AM) in South Kalimantan province. Cross-sectional method was used in order to avoid errors and biases. The analysis used structural equation modeling (SEM) with the help of smart PLS. The sample was 120 athletes (67 men and 53 women); the characteristics (mean±SD) were as follows: aged 20.2±2.4, have 6.6±8.1 years of training experience, have 12.4±2.8 years of training, have 15.5±6.4 years of competition age, and have ten hours of training duration (five meetings a week). The types of sports included football, basketball, volleyball, athletics, swimming, boxing, tennis, pencak silat, gymnastics, and archery. The research instrument, in the form of a statement item presented as a questionnaire, was then distributed through Google Forms and has gone through the validation stage. The results showed that all items showed outer loading >0.7 and Cronbach’s alpha >0.9. The goodness of Fit (GoF) showed the value of Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) was 0.061<0.08 or <0.10. Path analysis (P-Values) showed AM on PA was 0.000, PS on AM was 0.000, PS on PA was 0.002, and PS on PA through AM was 0.000. The results of this study are expected to add insight for a coach and athlete that it is important to involve parents in the context of achievement sports. The suggestion from the results of this study is to add more samples and develop relevant variables about the impact of parental support on athlete performance and achievement motivation.
Keywords: Parental Support, Achievement Motivation, Performance Achievement, Athlete