A portfolio is a collection of material documenting reflection about practice. It contains documents (eg, case histories and questionnaires the resident has used), images, and video recordings that reveal that an individual has acquired the competencies needed for professional practice. This assessment tool simultaneously supports learning and provides evidence for certifying competence. The adoption of portfolio use by a dermatology department requires the support of both the training supervisor and the chief of department. The learning objectives defined by the National Board for Medical-Surgical Dermatology and Venereology must be taken into consideration so that ways to assess each objective can be included; this approach supports holistic ongoing education as well as the certification of competencies the resident finally achieves. Use of portfolios in medical residency training can improve on current assessment methods, which we believe lack precision. We propose that portfolios gradually begin to replace the resident's training log. We are currently developing an online software application that will facilitate the use of portfolios.