Considerable information has been provided on VRLA batteries concerning battery and ambient temperatures, float voltage for cells and strings, float current, and battery capacity. Often these characteristics have been considered separately or in incomplete sets. Telecommunications personnel using the Lead-Acid Battery in the field don't have a comprehensive, single source for reference. A source is needed that provides guidelines for selecting the various points of operation with a brief explanation for each. This paper meets this need by describing a program for total battery monitoring, management, record keeping, and maintenance. Monitored characteristics and selected ranges are justified by reference to published information.This program will utilize existing information to provide optimal battery life, battery capacity, remaining operating time both at present load and at maximum load, energy efficiency, and warranty records with less personnel. This program will also locate deficient cells or blocks and provide records to indicate conditions that lead to the failure and to provide support of a warrantee claim. A reduction in personnel is possible, since sites only require attention when a problem is indicated and the proper equipment to correct the problem can be obtained before the site visit.