Treatment of diffusion-controlled chemical vapour deposition (CDV) usually neglects supersaturation a t the gas-solid interface, which is the basic condition for crystal growth. A new approach based on metastable equilibria and on the concept of activit,y, taking into account departure from equilibrium has been given and applied t o the system resulting from SiCl, + H, mixtures. The control of activity a t the gassolid interface should provide a method of controlling the morphology and perfection of CVD films.Die Behandlung der diffusionsbestimmten chemischen Dampfabscheidung (CVD) vernachlassigt gewohnlich die fibersattigung der Gas-fest-Grenzflache, die die Grundbedingung fur das Kristallwachstum darstellt. Die vorliegende Betrachtung grundet sich auf das metastabile Gleichgewicht und auf die Aktivitat. indem die Abweichung vom Gleichgewicht zugrunde gelegt wird. Ein aus (SiC1, + H,)-Mischungeri hestehendes System wird untersucht. Die Beherrschung der Aktivitat der Gasfest-Grenzflache sollte eine Methode zur Regelung der Morphologie und der Perfektion dunner CVD-Schichten ermoglichen.
Main steps in chemical vapour deposition (CVD)SiCI, reduction by H, is one of the most frequently used CVD-processes for epitaxial silicon (THEUERER 1960(THEUERER ,1961(THEUERER , 1964 Chemical vapour deposition on substrates or on already present crystal films occurs usually near atmospheric pressure. Excluding reactions in the gas phase, the deposition consists of the following steps:1. Transport of reactants through the gas phase t o the deposition surface. 2. Surface processes, such as adsorption (both physical and activated) of reactants, chemical reactions, nucleation, crystal growth a n d desorption of products.3. Transport of final products away from the deposition surface.Depositions, the rate of which are controlled by steps 1 and 3 or by step 2 are referred t o as "diffusion-controlled" or "kinetically-controlled", respectively.