coefficients at infinite dilution for 30 solutes (alkanes,
alkenes, alkyl benzenes, ketones, chloromethanes, aromatic compounds,
acetonitrile, formaldehyde, and ethyl acetate) in N,N′-di(2-ethylhexyl)isobutyramide have been
determined at temperatures T = (323.15 to 373.15)
K by inverse gas chromatographic technique. Net retention volumes
of solutes have been measured as a function of temperature. From the
temperature dependence of the activity coefficients at infinite dilution,
partial molar excess enthalpies and activity coefficients at infinite
dilution at 298.15 K of solutes in N,N′-di(2-ethylhexyl)isobutyramide have been derived. Selectivity
values at infinite dilution have been computed from the activity coefficients
at infinite dilution values.