The authors determined, through a meta-analytic approach, whether glycerolinduced hyperhydration (GIH) enhances fluid retention and increases endurance performance (EP) significantly more than water-induced hyperhydration (WIH). Collectively, studies administered 23.9 ± 2.7 mL of fluid/kg body weight (BW) with 1.1 ± 0.2 g glycerol/kg BW, and hyperhydration was measured 136 ± 15 min after its onset. Compared with WIH, GIH increased fluid retention by 7.7 ± 2.8 mL/kg BW (P < 0.01; pooled effect size [PES]: 1.64 ± 0.80, P < 0.01, N = 14). The use of GIH was associated with an improvement in EP of 2.62% ± 1.60% (P = 0.047; PES: 0.35 ± 0.13, P = 0.014, N = 4). Unarguably, GIH significantly enhances fluid retention better than WIH. Because of the dearth of data, the effect of GIH on EP must be further investigated before more definitive conclusions can be drawn as to its ergogenic property.Key Words: overhydration, dehydration, exercise capacity, ergogenic aid, cardiovascular function, thermoregulatory function On exercise initiation the metabolism increases severalfold to match the increased energy demand of the working muscles. Human beings are relatively inefficient at producing movements-only 25% of the energy produced is directly used for locomotion while the remainder 75% is lost as heat (9). Hence, core temperature increases during exercise (56). To avoid hyperthermia, the body eliminates most of the excess body heat through the production and evaporation of sweat, although convection and radiation can participate to the process to a much lesser extent. The rate of sweat production during exercise depends on a variety of factors such as exercise intensity (85), environmental conditions (85), training state (10), degree of heat acclimatization (14), and clothing worn (87). In temperate (20-25 °C) (4,11,18,29,30) and hot (>30 °C) (38, 59, 60) ambient conditions sweat rates in Scholarly reviewS