The measurement of volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rates from wastewater treatment processes is difficult and costly, so estimation techniques are frequently employed. To use these techniques, VOC concentrations in the raw wastewater entering the plant typically must be known. However, representative data on time-varying influent VOC concentrations are typically not available, and the collection of sufficient data to make a reliable loading estimate can be quite expensive. A composite VOC sampler can reduce the cost of obtaining these data; however, such samplers are not in widespread use and questions remain regarding their suitability for use on raw wastewater streams. In this study, an automatic composite VOC sampler was used to measure VOC concentrations in raw wastewater, and the results were compared to VOC concentrations in grab samples obtained over the same period. The results suggest that the composite VOC sampler can provide a reasonably accurate estimate of VOC concentrations in raw wastewater streams. The composite sampler required modification to prevent plugging by solids in the high-solids wastewater stream.