SUMMARY Concordant coarctation of the aorta has been found in a pair of monozygotic twins. One of the twins had a vascular ring.The aetiology of coarctation of the aorta is still largely unexplained, and investigations on familial occurrence have given confficting results. -3 Only 10 reports of coarctation of the aorta in monozygotic twins have been published. The lesion has shown discordance1 4-9 in all but one'0 of the cases. In only three of these was there a concordant cardiovascular malformation: atrial septal defect,5 hypoplasia of the aortic arch,8 and Marfan's syndrome,9 together with coarctation of the aorta in one of the twins.In this communication we describe coarctation of the aorta in a monozygotic pair of twins: the second reported case with concordance, and the first case where coarctation was found alone in one of the twins and appeared with a vascular ring in the other.
Case reportFrom the time of birth (May 1963) the twin girls were regarded as being monozygotic. Sixteen years later this assumption was confirmed by blood type, plasma enzyme and tissue type investigations, and by chromosome marker investigations, using a fluorescent banding method (see Table).The vascular anomalies were assessed by means of cardiac catheterisation and angiocardiography as well as by direct inspection of the thoracic aorta during operation.The twin with coarctation and vascular ring malformation, twin S, measured 49 cm at birth and had surgery at the age of almost 1 year. At operation the trachea was decompressed by division of both the ligamentum arteriosum and the totally coarctated segment of the pretracheal anterior aortic arch. The post-tracheal segment of the vascular ring had the size and function of a normal aortic arch, continuing into the descending aorta. The patient has since developed normally.The twin with the isolated coarctation, twin J, measured 44 cm at birth and had an operation when 16 years old. The coarctation was of the so-called postductal type and was treated with a bypass graft.Both girls were seen three months after twin J's operation. The