We propose a method for variable selection in discriminant analysis with mixed categorical and continuous variables. This method is based on a criterion that permits to reduce the variable selection problem to a problem of estimating suitable permutation and dimensionality. Then, estimators for these parameters are proposed and the resulting method for selecting variables is shown to be consistent. A simulation study that permits to study several poperties of the proposed approach and to compare it with an existing method is given.that the random vector consisting of the continuous variables has finite fourth order moment. No assumption on the distribution of this random vector is needed and, therefore, we do not suppose that the location model holds. In section 2, we introduce a criterion by means of which the set of variables to be estimated is characterized by means of suitable permutation and dimensionality. Then, estimating this criterion is tackled in section 3. More precisely, empirical estimators as well as non-parametric smoothing procedure are used for defining an estimator of the criterion. In the first case, we obtain properties of the resulting estimator that permits to obtain its asymptotic distribution. Section 4 is devoted to the definition of our proposal for variable selection. Consistency of the method, when empirical estimators are used, is then proved. Section 5 is devoted to the presentation of numerical experiments made in order to study several properties of the proposal and to compare it with an existing method. The first issue that is adressed concerns the impact of chosing penalty functions that are involved in our procedure, and that of the type of estimators that is used. The results reveal low impact on the performance of the proposed method. Since this method depends on two real parameters, it is of interest to study their influence on its performance and, consequently, to define a strategy that permits to chose optimal values for them. The simulation results clearly show their impact on the performance, and we propose a method based on leave-one-out cross validation for obtaining optimal results. When using this appoach, the obtained results show that the proposal is competitive with that of Mahat et al. (2007). All the proofs are given in Section 6.