The 1978 Annual Report from Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) to the DOE Assistant Secretary for Environment is the first report covering a full year's work under the Department of Energy since it came into existence on October 1, 1977. Most of the research conducted during this period and described in this report was begun under the Energy Research and Development Administration or its predecessor agency, the Atomic Energy Commission. However, several new projects have enhanced the PNL emphasis on environment, health and safety research in the area of synthetic fuels. Preliminary reports on these efforts are spread throughout the five parts of this annual report. The fi ve parts of the report are or i ented to part i cu 1 ar segments of our program. Parts 1-4 report on research performed for the DOE Office of Health and Environmental Research. Part 5 reports progress on all other research performed for the Assistant Secretary for Environment including the Office of Technology Impacts and the Office of Environmental Compliance and Overview. Each part consists of project reports authored by scientists from several PNL research departments, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the research effort. Parts 1-4 are organized primarily by energy technology, although it is recognized that much of the research performed at PNL is applicable to more than one energy technology.