“…Importa nt mec ha nism s of the haem ostati c dam age by ECC such as fibrin olysis have no effect on the results obta ined w ith th e PFA-100~or th e Hepconv HMS. Moreover, haematocrit, platelet count, and leukocyte count we re show n to influen ce clos ure tim es of th e Throm bostat 4000" ( 14,15), an invitro bleeding tes t sim ilar to the PFA-100", Thus it see ms reasonable to assume that these haematological parame ters may also influence th e results of the P FA-10 0~, Anothe r aspect is the pos tope rative treatme nt of patients, since this may influence total blood loss from che st drains. The type of infusion for postoperative vo lume replacem ent and retransfusion of s hed media stinal blood may affect haerno staris (16, 17), but shed media stinal blood was not retransfused in this study and no heta starch infusion s were give n.…”