ABSTRACT(Reproductive biology and pollination of Aechmea distichantha Lem. (Bromeliaceae)). Reproductive biology, including phenology, fl ower biology, pollination, and the reproductive system in the bromeliad Aechmea distichantha were studied in an Araucaria forest in the state of Paraná. Phenology and reproduction in terricolous plants were followed in October 2006 and May -October of 2007. Flowering peaked from June to September and fruiting was from June to October. Flower anthesis lasted one day. Flowers were pollinated the most by the hummingbird Stephanoxis lalandi and the most common butterfl y visitor was Lychnuchoides ozias ozias. Nectar concentration declined during anthesis, while nectar volume was constant. Aechmea distichantha is self-compatible with 30-45% fruit formation in self-pollination tests. Sunlight infl uences reproduction: when controlling for bromeliad and infl orescence size, plants in sunlight produced more seeds per fruit than plants in the shade. Reproduction was also associated with infl orescence size when controlling for bromeliad size. Th at is, larger infl orescences in similar sized plants produced more fl owers and more seeds per fruit.