Background: Variations in the morphology of the upper limb muscles are not uncommon. These variant muscles may compress the adjacent neurovascular structures by their anomalous positions. The knowledge of supernumerary heads of biceps brachii, variant bicipital aponeurosis and an abnormal tendinous insertion of coracobrachialis may cause clinical conditions like median nerve entrapment, compression of brachial artery, pronator syndrome etc. Materials and Methods: The present study was undertaken to observe the anomalous origin and insertion of upper limb muscles and their relation to neurovascular structures in vicinity. This study was carried out in 60 upper limbs of 30 formalin fixed human cadavers in the Department of Anatomy, KAPV Government Medical College, Trichy. Results: Among the sixty upper limbs, variations were found in three separate limbs. The variations included an accessory head of biceps brachii, a muscular slip from the bicipital aponeurosis which gave extensions to the forearm muscles and an anomalous origin and tendinous extension of coracobrachialis muscle to the medial epicondyle of humerus. Conclusion: Knowledge of supernumerary heads of biceps brachii, accessory slips from bicipital aponeurosis and anomalous origin and insertion of coracobrachialis is essential in preoperative diagnosis and surgery of upper limbs, as they may cause compression of neurovascular structures like brachial artery, median nerve and ulnar nerve.