Abstract-This paper presents a method for the model order reduction of fully parameterized linear dynamic systems. In a fully parameterized system, not only the state matrices, but also can the input/output matrices be parameterized. This algorithm is based on neither conventional moment-matching nor balancedtruncation ideas; instead, it uses "optimal (block) vectors" to construct the projection matrix such that the system errors in the whole parameter space could be minimized. This minimization problem is formulated as a recursive least square (RLS) optimization and then solved at a low cost. Our algorithm is tested by a set of multi-port multi-parameter cases with both intermediate and large parameter variations. The numerical results show that high accuracy is guaranteed, and that very compact models can be obtained for multi-parameter models due to the fact that the ROM size is independent of the parameter number in our flow.
I. INTRODUCTIONDesign and process parameter variations need very careful consideration in submicron digital, mixed-signal and RF analog integrated circuit design. Parameterized model order reduction (PMOR) techniques can generate compact models reflecting the impact induced by design or process variations. Such techniques have become highly desirable in the EDA community in order to accelerate the time-consuming design space exploration, sensitivity analysis and automatic synthesis.Several PMOR techniques have been developed for both linear and nonlinear circuits. Most are based on moment matching techniques [1]-[11] due to the numerical efficiency. These algorithms normally assume that the closed forms of the parameterized state-space models are given, or that the parameters' statistical distributions are known. With similar assumptions, the positive-real balanced truncation method [12] has been modified for parameterized interconnect model reduction [13], [14]. In many cases the designers do not know the exact symbolic forms of the parameterized circuit equations. As a result, neither moment matching nor positivereal balanced truncation can be used in the PMOR flow. A numerically efficient and flexible method is the variational PMTBR scheme [15], which starts from the state-space model and uses a cheap sampling scheme to approximate the Gramian matrix. This approach is capable of preserving passivity for symmetric systems (such as RC circuits), but not for general RLC interconnect models. When the system equations are not available, one can treat the original model as a black box, and then use system identification techniques to construct macromodels from simulated or measured data by, for example, the quasi-convex optimization method [16], [17].