ABSTRACT. Some individuals of the species Arenaeus cribrarills (Lamarck, 1818) bear a characteristic pink abdomen, which is notably different Ii-OIn the usual white coloration. The incidence of this chromatic alteration was determined for a single population and its relation with other individual variables were examined. The individuals were monthly collected from May , 1991 to April, 1993, in Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, with the aid of a shrimp fi shelY boat provided with double-rig trawling nets. All specimens were sexed, measured (CW = carapace width), di stributed in 10-mm size classes and classified according to growth phase (juvenile and adult), molting condition and development stage of gonads. The occurrence of pink-colored morphs was also recorded. From a total of2,096 collected individuals, only 60 females (nine of those ovigerous) presented a pink-colored abdomen, which represents 2.9% of the whol e sample and 5.2% of the females. Almost all of them were inte1l110it individuals (96.6%) and 63.3% showed mature gonads. According to published data, size at the onset offunctional maturity in A. cribrarills females is around 60 mm CW, ti'om which the incidence of pink morphs and ovigerous crabs were recorded. The obtained results suggest that such a chromatic alteration is associated to sexual maturity in these females. This characteristi c may enhance the attraction potential for mating, shonly after the puberty molt. KEY WORDS . Brachyura , Portunidae, repro~ucti ol1 , coloration During the past few years, changes in the coloration patterns related to the breeding period of several animal species, and mainly its role in attraction for mating, have received the attention of many researchers . According to LUM-KONG