Natural abundance of tSN (6 tSN) of leaves harvested from tropical plants in Brazil and Thailand was analyzed. The 8 ~SN values of non-Nz-fixing trees in Brazil were +4.5 -+ 1.9%o, which is lower than those of soil nitrogen (+8.0-+2.2%0). In contrast, mimosa and kudzu had very low 6 ~SN values ( -1 . 4 -+ 0 . 5 % @ The t5 1-~N values of Panicum maximum and leguminous trees, except Leucaena leucocephala, were similar to those of non-N2-fixing trees, suggesting that the contribution of fixed N in these plants is negligible. The 6 15N values of non-N2-fixing trees in Thailand were +4.9 +_ 2.0%0. Leucaena leucocephala, Sesbania grandiflora, Casuarina spp. and Cycas spp. had low 6 tSN values, close to the value of atmospheric N 2 (0%e), pointing to a major contribution of N 2 fixation in these plants. Cassia spp. and Tamarindus indica had high 6 15N values, which confirms that these species are non-nodulating legumes. The 6 ~SN values of Acacia spp. and Gliricidia sepium and other potentially nodulating tree legumes were, on average, slightly lower than those of non-N2-fixing trees, indicating a small contribution of N 2 fixation in these legumes.