The solar radiations are the primary cause of ionization of the Earth's atmosphere. Specifically, the X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiations are the basic drivers at the base of the plasma density distribution in the ionosphere. It is well known that ionospheric plasma and temperature varies with respect to the latitude, altitude, season, geomagnetic and solar activities [Fejer 1997, and Otsuka et al.1998]. The morphology and dynamics of equatorial and low latitude regions is different compared to the mid and high latitude ones.This is because in the low latitude and equatorial regions there occur some unique phenomenon such as equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA), equatorial electrojet (EEJ), plasma fountain, equatorial spread-F (ESF), equatorial wind and temperature [Bhuyan et al., 2002; Prabhakaran Nayar et al., 2004].The EIA is an important characteristic of low latitude ionosphere, which is basically a trough in plasma density at magnetic equator Article history