The superfluid to Mott insulator transition in cavity polariton arrays is analyzed using the variational cluster approach, taking into account quantum fluctuations exactly on finite length scales. Phase diagrams in one and two dimensions exhibit important non-mean-field features. Single-particle excitation spectra in the Mott phase are dominated by particle and hole bands separated by a Mott gap. In contrast to Bose-Hubbard models, detuning allows for changing the nature of the bosonic particles from quasilocalized excitons to polaritons to weakly interacting photons. The Mott state with density one exists up to temperatures T /g 0.03, implying experimentally accessible temperatures for realistic cavity couplings g. PACS numbers: 71.36.+c, 73.43.Nq, 78.20.Bh, 42.50.Ct The prospect of realizing a tunable, strongly correlated system of photons is exciting, both as a testbed for quantum many-body dynamics and for the potential of quantum simulators and other advanced quantum devices. Three proposals based on cavity-QED arrays have recently shown how this might be accomplished [1,2,3], followed by further work [4,5,6,7,8]. Engineered strong photon-photon interactions and hopping between cavities allow photons (as a component of cavity polaritons) to behave much like electrons or atoms in a many-body context. It is clear that a particular signature of quantum many-body physics, the superfluid (SF) to Mott insulator (MI) transition, should be reproducible in such systems and be similar to the widely studied Bose-Hubbard model (BHM). Yet, the BH analogy is not complete. The mixed matter-light nature of the system brings new physics yet to be fully explored."Solid-light" systems-so-named for the intriguing MI state of photons they exhibit-are reminiscent of cold atom optical lattices (CAOL) [9], but have some advantages concerning direct addressing of individual sites and device integration, and the potential for asymmetry construction by individual tuning, local variation, and far from equilibrium devices [4]. Photons as part of the system serve as excellent experimental probes, and have excellent "flying" potential so that they can be transported over long distances. Temporal and spatial correlation functions are accessible, and nonequilibrium quantum dynamics may be studied using coherent laser pumping to create initial states. Here ω 0 is the cavity photon energy, and ∆ = ω 0 − ǫ defines the detuning. Each cavity is described by the well-known Jaynes-Cummings (JC) HamiltonianĤ JC . The atom-photon coupling g (a † i , a i are photon creation and annihilation operators) gives rise to formation of polaritons (combined atomphoton excitations) whose numberN p = i (a † i a i +|↑ i ↑ i |) is conserved and couples to the chemical potential µ [7]. We consider nearest-neighbor photon hopping with amplitude t, define the polariton density n = N p /L, use g as the unit of energy and set ω 0 /g [23], k B and the lattice constant to one.Hamiltonian (1) represents a generic model of strongly correlated photons amenable to numer...