Rigorous and universal relationships among radial expectation values of any D-dimensional quantummechanical system are obtained, using Rényi-like position-momentum inequalities in an information-theoretical framework. Although the results are expressed in terms of four moments (two in position space and two in the momentum one), especially interesting are the cases that provide expressions of uncertainty in terms of products r a 1/a p b 1/b , widely considered in the literature, including the famous Heisenberg relationship r 2 p 2 D 2 /4. Improved bounds for these products have recently been provided, but are always restricted to positive orders a,b > 0. The interesting part of this work are the inequalities for negative orders. A study of these relationships is carried out for atomic systems in their ground state. Some results are given in terms of relevant physical quantities, including the kinetic and electron-nucleus attraction energies, the diamagnetic susceptibility, and the height of the peak of the Compton profile, among others.