“…. , k. This has been proved by Katz, see [12,Proposition 1], when is the étale fundamental group of a smooth connected affine curve over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic, and by Patrikis, see [17,Proposition 3.4.1], by adapting Katz's argument, when is the absolute Galois group of a number field. To prove a decomposition result for a compatible system R = {ρ λ } λ∈ of representations of , one would then start from a single λ-adic representation ρ λ in R, decompose it as ρ λ ∼ = ⊕ k i=1 Ind i (σ i,λ ⊗ ω i ), and extend each σ i,λ to a compatible system S i of Lie-irreducible representations.…”