A sequence (α k ) of points in R, the set of real numbers, is called ρ-statistically p quasi Cauchy iffor each ε > 0, where ρ = (ρn) is a non-decreasing sequence of positive real numbers tending to ∞ such that lim sup n ρn n < ∞, ∆ρn = O(1), and ∆pα k+p = α k+p − α k for each positive integer k. A real-valued function defined on a subset of R is called ρ-statistically p-ward continuous if it preserves ρ-statistical p-quasi Cauchy sequences. ρ-statistical p-ward compactness is also introduced and investigated. We obtain results related to ρ-statistical p-ward continuity, ρ-statistical p-ward compactness, p-ward continuity, continuity, and uniform continuity.