RESUMOOs objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a incidência de tripes em genótipos de cebola, verificar sua correlação com o teor de clorofila, arquitetura e coloração foliar, e produtividade. O experimento foi conduzido na Epagri,
ABSTRACTThe objectives of this study were to evaluate the incidence of thrips on onion genotypes and check its correlation with chlorophyll content, leaf architecture and color, and yield. The experiment was carried out at Epagri, Ituporanga Experimental Station, Brazil, in 2015 growing-season. The number of commercial genotypes or under development evaluated was 48, which 12 hybrids and 36 open pollinated. Regarding the thrips incidence, most genotypes were similar. The exceptions were the early hybrids Roxa 10039 and 10160, which presented lower incidence rates than RDW Luthy and Conesul. The leaf architecture more open associated with pale green leaf favored lower incidence of thrips. Open pollinated cultivars and originating from the onion breeding program of Epagri (Superprecoce-Agroecológica, Bola Precoce-Agroecológica, Juporanga-Agroecológica, Valessul, Bola Suprema, and Crioula Alto Vale) were more productive.