Ninety-two British Friesians (56 cows and 36 heifers) were divided into two groups during weeks 3-10 of lactation and received ad libitum either complete diet H (65 % concentrates, 35% grass silage, 11-7 MJ ME/kg D.M.) or diet M (50% concentrates, 50% grass silage, 11-2 MJ ME/kg D.M.). In weeks 11-20 half the animals of each group continued to receive the same diet (HH or MM) while the other half were changed from diet H to M (HM) or from diet M to L (ML). Diet L contained 35 % concentrates, 65% grass silage and 10-7 MJ ME/kg D.M. The crude protein concentration of all diets was maintained at about 157 g/kg D.M. by the addition of soya-bean meal to diets M and L.During weeks 3-10 the mean D.M. intake (kg/day), milk yield (kg/day), milk protein (g/kg) and live-weight change (kg/day) for animals on diets H and M were 15-0, 21-7, 33-3, 0-50 and 12-9, 20-2, 31-5, 0-35 respectively. Differences were significant for D.M. intake, milk yield and milk protein concentration. Although milk-fat concentration of cows given diet H (40-2 g/kg) was similar to that of cows given diet M (39-9 g/kg), heifers receiving diet H had a significantly lower value (37-0 g/kg) than those given diet M (39-8 g/kg).When animals were changed from diet H to M or from M to L at week 11, D.M. intake, milk yield and milk-protein concentration decreased. However, milk-fat concentration and live-weight change were generally unaffected.During the complete experimental period, weeks 3-20, animals on treatments HH, HM, MM and ML had mean D.M. intakes and milk yields of 15-3, 14-2, 13-2, 12-4 kg/day and 19-7, 18-5, 17-8, 17-0 kg/day. Milk-protein concentration, was closely related to D.M. intake, but only with heifers did diet H significantly depress milk-fat concentration. The highest live-weight gain was recorded on treatment HH (0-40 kg/day) and the lowost on treatment ML (0-29 kg/day) with intermediate values for treatments HM and MM.In vivo digestibility coefficients of D.M. and organic matter for diet H (0-731, 0-757) were significantly higher than those of diet L (0-707, 0-734) with intermediate values for diet M. However, for acid-detergent fibre the digestibility coefficient for diet H was significantly lower (0-562) than for diet L (0-662). The digestibility coefficients for nitrogen in all three diets were similar.Estimates of mean efficiency of utilization of ME for lactation were made on a weekly basis and were 0-56 and 0-64 for animals on diets H and M in weeks 3-10. During weeks 11-20 the mean values for animals on treatments HH, HM, MM and ML were 0-46, 0-53, 0-51 and 0-59, respectively.