Based on field reconnaissance since the publication of Flora of the Continental Northwest Territories in 1980, particularly in the District of Keewatin and northeastern District of Mackenzie (Nunavut) and Nahanni National Park, information is provided on geographically significant plant occurrences. One new taxon, Polemonium boreale forma albiflorum, is described, fourteen native taxa are reported as new to the region: Carex hoodii, C. microptera, C. petasata, Corispermum hookeri, C. ochotense, Danthonia spicata, Draba stenoloba, Erysisnum coarctatum, Halenia deflexa, Polygonum fowleri, P. ramosissimum, Salix rotundifolia ssp. rotundifolia, Silene uralensis ssp. ogilviensis, and Vaccinium ovalifolium. Five introduced taxa, Crepis tectorum, Corispermum villosum, Deschampsia elongata, D. incisa var. incisa, and Medicago sativa ssp. falcata are new to the flora of the region. Two native taxa, Danthonia intermedia and Potentilla porsildiorum are deleted from the flora and Ranunculus aquatilis var hispidulus is placed in synonymy. Significant range extensions for 125 native and one introduced taxon are included.