The study objective is the correlation of thyroid function to the weight status in a study group made up of schoolchildren in Galati County. Six of ten overweight children before puberty will became obese during adulthood. PREDATORR study published in May 2014, placed our country in the top among overweight and obesity European incidence, showing a 34.7% prevalence of overweight and 31.9% obesity in subjects in the age group 20-79 years. Unfortunately the study did not offer epidemiological data regarding children population. The data obtained allow the characterization of the thyroid function in relation to weight status in school age children, in a county both in urban and rural area, taking in account that there are fewer studies in rural in this moment. It brings further information on thyroid function and pathology in pediatric obesity in relation to metabolic comorbidities. We identified an increased fT3 and TSH in obese children, sustaining the association between dyslipidemia, thyroid function, anxiety and depression, as long as the data obtained adult are still controversial.