M13 9PTInteractions have been described between glucose metabolism and gastric function. For example, Davenport (1950) first reported that increased glucose concentration in stomach perfusate caused an increase in gastric acid secretion. Conversely, gastrin affects glucose metabolism (Unger, Ketterer, Duprez & Eisentraut, 1967;Hansky, Soveny & Korman, 1973;Ibu, Amure & Watson, 1975;Ibu, 1985). However, the effects of the hyperglyeaemia of diabetes mellitus on gastric acid secretion have not yet been elucidated.Male Sprague-Dawley albino rats (250-300 g) were made diabetic by a single intraperitoneal (i.P.) injection of 60 mg kg-' body weight streptozotocin (STZ) freshly prepared in citrate buffer. Control rats were injected with citrate buffer alone. Diabetes was detected 24 h after STZ injection by glycosuria and confirmed by raised plasma glucose 2 weeks after STZ injection. On this day the rats were anaesthetized with 110 mg kg-1 body weight Inactin injected i.P. and surgically prepared for stomach perfusion by the modified method of Ghosh & Schild (1958). Normal saline (0-9 % NaCl) was infused at 75 ,I min-' for 30 min followed by randomized 1 h infusion periods of pentagastrin (Sigma) either 0 4 ,jg, 0-8 jug or 1 6 ,ug h-1 100 gb ody weight, with 30 min control collections between the doses. Gastric effluent samples were collected in 10 min aliquots and titrated to a phenolphthalein endpoint.Plasma glucose levels (mM) were 5-6 + 0-5 and 33.9 + 3.5 for control and diabetic rats respectively. Basal acid output (mM h-1) was lower in diabetic rats (1I0+0-05) than in control rats (1-36+0-06). However, pentagastrin evoked a greater secretory effect (mM h-') in the diabetic rats (2-79 + 0-26, 3-89 + 0 45, 6-99 + 0-36 at the three doses of pentagastrin used as compared with 2-02 + 0 13, 2-41 + 0-18 and 3.77 + 0 33 in the control rats), P < 0-01, n = 6, paired t test.It is inferred that the lower basal acid output in STZ diabetic rats may be due to the chronic hyperglycaemic state, but that the sensitivity of these diabetic rats to pentagastrin is enhanced.