During menopausal transition, various phenotypical and metabolic changes
occur, affecting body weight, adipose tissue distribution and energy expenditure as
well as insulin secretion and sensitivity. Taken together, these can predispose
women to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Many women in midlife
experience climacteric symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats. Menopausal
hormone therapy (MHT) is then indicated. MHT has a favourable effect on glucose
homeostasis in both women without and with T2DM. T2DM was considered in the past as
a cardiovascular disease (CVD) equivalent, which would suggest that women with T2DM
should not receive MHT. This notion may still deter many clinicians from prescribing
MHT to these patients. However, nowadays there is strong evidence to support an
individualised approach after careful evaluation of CVD risk. In older women with
T2DM (> 60 years old or > 10 years in menopause), MHT should not be initiated,
because it may destabilise mature atherosclerotic plaques, resulting in thrombotic
episodes. In obese women with T2DM or in women with moderate CVD risk, transdermal
17β-oestradiol could be used. This route of delivery presents beneficial effects
regarding triglyceride concentrations and coagulation factors. In peri- or recently
post-menopausal diabetic women with low risk for CVD, oral oestrogens can be used,
since they exhibit stronger beneficial effects on glucose and lipid profiles. In any
case, a progestogen with neutral effects on glucose metabolism should be used, such
as natural progesterone, dydrogesterone or transdermal norethisterone. The goal is
to maximise benefits and minimise adverse effects.