In this study, we found that antihypertensive dipeptide Val-Tyr (VY) showed a vascular relaxation effect in KCl-induced contraction of thoracic aorta rings from 18-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats among di-peptides of VY, Ile-Tyr, and Tyr-Val irrespective of their angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity. The effect was endothelium-independent, and was closely associated with vascular responses in the vascular smooth muscle layer.Key words: hypertension; ACE; vascular relaxation; small peptides; spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) aortaIt is generally thought that certain small peptides have the ability to lower blood pressure via inhibition of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE). To date, numerous ACE inhibitory peptides have been identified from natural resources, 1) some of which reduced blood pressure in mildly hypertensive human volunteers. 2,3) Contrary to the prevailing opinion, we have pointed out the conflicting result that oral administration of VY to transgenic mice with an enhanced human renin-angiotensin system did not show any change in plasma ACE activity.4) This finding led us to a further investigation of the underlying mechanism(s) of antihypertensive VY.Our recent study 5) indicated that VY inhibited Bay K 8644 (an L-type voltage-gated Ca 2þ channel agonist)-stimulated vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) growth as well as angiotensin (Ang) II-stimulation did, but no research was found to the effect that small peptides are closely associated with vascular functions. Vascular functions are achieved by diverse intracellular signal responses in both endothelial cells and VSMCs. Hence, to demonstrate the potential or direct vascular regulation ability of small peptides, in this study we examined their ex vivo vasodilating action in spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) aorta.For contractive response (isometric tension, in g) measurement of thoracic aorta rings, a force transducer (Micro Tissue Organ Bath, Model MTOB-1Z, Labo Support, Osaka, Japan) coupled to a data acquisition system (Bridge8 Modules Low Noise Transducer Amplifier, World Precision Instruments, Sarasota, FL) was used in this study. Male 18-week-old SHRs (SHR/Izm, Japan SLC, Shizuoka, Japan) were killed by exsanguination from the abdominal aorta for ring preparation. The thoracic aorta was quickly removed and cleaned of adhering fat and connective tissue. Ring segments (2-3 mm) prepared for each set of measurements were mounted between two stainless steel wires in 5 mljacketed organ baths filled with modified PSS buffer. The PSS buffer had the following composition (mM): NaCl 145, KCl 5, Na 2 HPO 4 1, CaCl 2 2.5, MgSO 4 0.5, glucose 10, and Hepes 5 (pH 7.4). The rings were maintained at 37 C for 40 min under 95% O 2 /5% CO 2 gas. They were then progressively stretched to a preloaded tension of 2 g followed by equilibration for another 45 min until stabilized. 6) In all experiments, after 45 min equilibration, aorta rings were challenged with 30 mM KCl to ensure viability the of the preparation. To prepare rings wi...