This article considers some of the problems associated with the use of a tube reactor in high-intensity Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis with heavy loads of processed syngas (3000-5000 h −1 ). The main factor preventing the development of highly effi cient FT synthesis is removal of the heat released. Intensifi cation of the heat-exchange process may be possible by accelerating the convective heat-exchange component by increasing the linear speed of the gas fl ow from 0.1 to 10 m/sec. Required values of the heat-exchange coeffi cient, and the fi ctitious linear velocities of the gas fl ow at which maximum degree of CO processing is attained without disruption of the stable operating temperature regime of the reactor have been calculated.
The expediency of reactive-gas circulation in FT synthesis is demonstrated.The process of producing synthetic hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) method allows for production of a broad spectrum of analogous-petroleum products formed from a carbon-containing feedstock: natural and by-product petroleum gases, coal, peat, and biomass. The productivity of catalysts for hydrocarbon synthesis in the fi rst industrial production, which was organized in pre-war Germany from coal (CTL), did not exceed 10 kg/(m 3 cat ·h) [1]. At the present time, the large Sasol and Shell corporations are introducing a procedure for production of synthetic hydrocarbons from natural gas (GTL) with a catalyst output of from 100 to 130 kg/(m 3 cat ·h) with respect to C 5+ hydrocarbons, and the capacity of one of the largest plants (Pearl GTL, Shell, Qatar) is 6 million tons per year [2, 3]. Use of more productive catalysts (300 kg/(m 3 cat ·h) and higher), which are effective under heavy loads with respect to the syngas being processed (3000-5000 h −1 ) is required for further development of GTL processes [4]. The activity of the FT-synthesis catalysts makes it possible to conduct the process under heavier gas loads; abstraction of the heat released (the process is highly exothermic) is, however, a basic factor preventing development of highly productive FT synthesis.Heat exchange in FT synthesis has been intensifi ed by altering the design of the reaction vessels. Tube reactors with a fl uidized catalyst bed, and three-phase suspension reactors (slurry reactors) are employed in industry [5,6]. The CompactGTL and Velocys companies are developing micro-channel reactors − fabricated from steel sheets onto the surface of which channels are sawed-out to a depth of 200-500 μm [7,8]. High intensity of heat exchange in these reactors is achieved by development of the heat-exchange surface; however, high metal consumption and hydraulic resistance place a number of restrictions on their use in heavy-tonnage productions.In our opinion, tube reactors are most promising for implementation of highly productive GTL technologies owing to their adaptability to up-scaling and manufacture. One of the drawbacks of tube reactors in the FT process is a small