The semantic autonomy or dependency of nouns denoting events in French AbstractTwo categories of nouns denoting events [ENs], i.e. of nouns which can be the subject of avoir lieu ('take place'), can be distinguished. Autonomous ENs (e.g. concert 'concert', avalanche 'avalanche') provide a sufficient description of events, whereas dependent ENs (e.g. augmentation 'increase', démantèlement 'dismantling'), need a complement to denote events. The distinction between these two categories is not equivalent to the one proposed by Grimshaw (1990), between « simple event nominals » and « complex event nominals ». It is shown that the distribution between autonomous and dependent ENs does not rely on pure syntactic or morphological properties, and that the semantic structure, i.e. the relevant semantic features, is not the same for all ENs. Furthermore, the autonomy or dependency of ENs may determine the ontological type of events denoted by ENs.