“…In the present context, it describes how easily and continuously diverse ideas can be accessed from memory during information-based ideation (Kerne et al, 2008(Kerne et al, , 2014, i.e., when thinking about search topics to be explored in future queries. Referring to previous work on cognitive effects of social tags on mental structures (e.g., categories and associations; e.g., Fu & Dong, 2012;Seitlinger & Ley, 2012;Seitlinger, Ley, & Albert, 2015), we anticipate a tradeoff between fluency and consistency: when users of a digital curation environment perceive others' tags, these tags leave episodic memory traces (Seitlinger & Ley, 2012;Seitlinger et al, 2015), strengthening previously weak associations to a search topic, in case these traces represent new ideas. Considering research in creative cognition (e.g., Smith, Ward, & Finke, 1995;Ward, 2007), this tag-based cognitive effect should reduce the dominance of pre-existing stereotyped associations and give rise to a broader (mental) fan of equally available ideas around a topic.…”