El corazón de la afición está contigo": un acercamiento lingüístico-discursivo a los himnos oficiales de fútbol catalanófonos, lusófonos e hispanófonos en la Península Ibérica Jannis HARJUS (Innsbruck)
SummaryBased on the analysis of Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan anthems of football clubs, this article demonstrates the way Iberian football clubs construct collective identities in a linguistically discursive manner. With special regard to the use of toponyms and quantifiers in this field of text music, the Catalan discourse community of the Iberoromania differs from the Castilian discourses in central, southern, and northern Spain. For the most part, however, the analysis that is predominantly conducted in a text-centric and discourse-linguistic way shows convergences in the use of lexical fields such as war or virtue as well as personal and possessive pronouns in the anthems of all three languages. This result underscores the similarities between the Portuguese and Spanish discourse communities, the latter being extended by means of the Catalan region.