In male rats of the Wistar strain the blood volume amounting to 50 % of the initial value has been replaced by equal volumes of the commercial blood substitutes as dextran 40 in 0,9 % NaCl, Haemaccel, Gelifundol and Biseko respectively. The rats had been sacrificed at different time intervals following the replacement of blood and the kidneys histologically examined. The dilatation of the proximal convoluted tubules and the pronounced vacuolisation of the tubular cells had disappeared 4 days after treatment with dextran or gelatine solutions. The vacuoles, presumably due to an enzymic degradation of the colloidal macromolecules, are reversible and should, therefore, not be classified as osmotic nephrosis. However, after replacement of the blood by Biseko which contains human protein no histological changes of the kidneys have been observed at any time of the experimental period. The concentration of the reabsorbed relativelylarge size protein molecules is apparently too small as to bring about a noticeable appearance of vacuoles. The findings suggest that the kidney would seem to be least affected using protein solutions as blood substitutes. The question whether or not in cases of preexisting renal damage excessive doses of dextran or gelatine solutions might have additional deleterious effects on the kidney cannot be answered as yet.