Neoclassical tearing modes are macroscopic (L ∼ 1 m) instabilities in magnetic fusion experiments; if unchecked, these modes degrade plasma performance and may catastrophically destroy plasma confinement by inducing a disruption. Fortunately, the use of properly tuned and directed radiofrequency waves (λ ∼ 1 mm) can eliminate these modes. Numerical modeling of this difficult multiscale problem requires the integration of separate mathematical models for each length and time scale (Jenkins and Kruger, 2012 [21]); the extended MHD model captures macroscopic plasma evolution while the RF model tracks the flow and deposition of injected RF power through the evolving plasma profiles. The scale separation enables use of the eikonal (ray-tracing) approximation to model the RF wave propagation. In this work we demonstrate a technique, based on methods of computational geometry, for mapping the ensuing RF data (associated with discrete ray trajectories) onto the finite-element/pseudospectral grid that is used to model the extended MHD physics. In the new representation, the RF data can then be used to construct source terms in the equations of the extended MHD model, enabling quantitative modeling of RFinduced tearing mode stabilization. Though our specific implementation uses the NIMROD extended MHD (Sovinec et al., 2004 [22]) and GENRAY RF (Smirnov et al., 1994 [23]) codes, the approach presented can be applied more generally to any code coupling requiring the mapping of ray tracing data onto Eulerian grids.